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Audit Logs

Admins now have the ability to view audit logs within the voicemail application. Only admins will have these views, it is not viewable by agents.


Clicking the magnifying glass icon on a message will open up a side panel that displays all activities that have taken place on the particular voicemail message.


Any time an agent interacts with a message, the activity will be tracked and displayed in the logs panel. The option to download logs is also available, and will download a .csv with the following columns:

  • messageId (unique id of the voicemail message in DynamoDB)

  • contactId (if recorded, contactId is not stored in earlier versions)

  • agent (email)

  • timestamp

  • interaction (ex: Added note, opened notes, marked voicemail as read/deleted, Forwarded voicemail to: X, etc)

There is also a new section in the navbar named: Download logs

This will open up a window asking for a start and end date, and will download a .csv of activities across ALL voicemail messages within the specified time range.

Logs are set to expire after 1 year by default or at the same time voicemail messages expire in the database if configured when installing.

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