We are pleased to announce the release of Agent Desktop 2022.2.3 which is a feature release.
In this release we have added the ability to
Add formatting and attachments to your chat messages
Assign categories to message templates (chat only)
Claim phone numbers directly through the Agent Desktop
Create users of the Agent Desktop programatically through SCIM provisioning
Assign a licence type to all users of the Agent Desktop
Configure 3rd party applications that can be opened within the Agent Desktop
This release also includes
Receiving notifications when a chat message has been received from a customer
Defining a list of message variables which can be used for chat and email templates
An improved display of contact attributes within the Interaction screen of the Agent Desktop
Add formatting and attachments to your chat messages
You can now add the following formatting to your chat messages:
Numbered list
Bulleted list
You can now send and receive attachments for chat interactions in the Agent Desktop. You can send and receive up to a total of 35 attachments in a single chat interaction, with the maximum file size of 20MB for a single attachment.
The following file types are supported for chat attachments: .csv, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .wav, .xls & .xlsx.
Assign categories to message templates (chat only)
If you have a large number of templates it may be beneficial to add a category to each template. Doing so will allow agents to search for templates by category rather than having to scroll through the entire list.
For now, categories can be added to chat templates only. We will roll this out for email templates in a future release.
Claim phone numbers directly through the Agent Desktop
You can now claim a phone number from Amazon Connect directly through the Agent Desktop and assign them to a contact flow or as an agent’s personal phone number.
Create users of the Agent Desktop programatically through SCIM provisioning
SCIM, or the System for Cross-domain Identity Management specification, is an open standard designed to manage user identity information.
If you have SCIM enabled in your Agent Desktop account, you can create users, set their security profile, and remove users directly through your SSO provider. You will still be able to edit users in the Agent Desktop.
Assign a licence type to all users of the Agent Desktop
You can now assign a licence type to all users which sets what level of access they have within the Agent Desktop. Choose from one of the following licence types:
Agent Desktop (AD): User has access to the Interaction screen plus full access to the administration functions of the Agent Desktop (subject to their security profile permissions).
Agent Desktop + Outbound Campaign Manager (AD+OCM): User has access to the Interaction screen plus full access to the administration functions of the Agent Desktop (subject to their security profile permissions). User can also receive outbound dialler records within the Interaction screen from Outbound Campaign Manager (OCM).
Admin: User has full access to the administration functions of the Agent Desktop only (subject to their security profile permissions).
None: User will not be able to access any part of the Agent Desktop.
Configure 3rd party applications that can be opened within the Agent Desktop
You can configure 3rd party applications for your agents to access within the Agent Desktop. Once you create an application, you can add them to an application group which you assign to routing profiles. Any agent that is assigned to those routing profiles will be able to access those applications within the Interaction screen of the Agent Desktop.
Small improvements go a long way!
Never miss a chat message from a customer again! You can now receive browser and Agent Desktop notifications when a chat message has been received from a customer.
View a defined list of message variables which can be used for chat and email templates
We’ve improved our display of contact attributes within the Interaction screen of the Agent Desktop. In addition to being able to view contact attributes within the contact card, you can now also view attributes within a tab on the right hand side of the screen.
This release contains the following improvements:
Key | Summary | Status |
Add formatting and attachments to your chat messages | RELEASED | |
Assign categories to message templates (chat only) | RELEASED | |
Claim phone numbers directly through the Agent Desktop | RELEASED | |
Create users of the Agent Desktop through SCIM provisioning | RELEASED | |
Assign a licence type to all users of the Agent Desktop | RELEASED | |
Configure 3rd party applications that can be opened within the Agent Desktop | RELEASED | |
Receiving notifications when a chat message has been received from a customer | RELEASED | |
List of message variables which can be used for chat and email templates | RELEASED | |
Improved display of contact attributes within the Interaction screen of the Agent Desktop | RELEASED |
Bug fixes
This release contains the following fixes:
Key | Summary | Status |
PRODUCT-511; PRODUCT-501; PRODUCT-456; PRODUCT-424; PRODUCT-414; PRODUCT-374 | Fixed a few bugs related to creating a Banner and Event through the UI and via bulk upload. | RELEASED |
Fixed a bug related to creating a Contact flow attribute set via bulk upload. | RELEASED | |
Fixed a bug related to bulk upload that contain a large volume of data | RELEASED | |
Fixed a couple bugs related to filtering agents in Contact history | RELEASED | |
Fixed a bug related to Email authentication setup | RELEASED | |
Fixed a bug related to the Email inbox not loading | RELEASED |
Known Issues
This release contains the following known issues:
Key | Summary | Status |
VFPS-90 | Agents State showing Available when on a Chat but cannot transfer a Voice call to the Agent. | Amazon Connect allows users to have multiple chat interactions. When a user has concurrent chats configured in their routing profile until they have hit the max number of chats Amazon Connect presents their status as Available. This is confusing to other Agents who might be trying to transfer a call to the agent, not knowing they are actually on another interaction type, and as you cannot have both Chat and Voice active, this fails. |